Good girl
Ended up not going for a was a bit cold! LOL
Instead I started watching two new TV-shows, The Secret Circle and Revenge. Liked Revenge so I'm gonna watch some more episodes tonight.
Also, I talked to my auntie and lil sister Azra. Made plans for the next two weekends! Should be fun! She texted me earlier today, first saying a song made her think of me last night when she was out at a club and then said she wished I had been there. Awww, my lil baby! Blood could not make her mean more to me than she does!

And since I didn't go out I cleaned my whole kitchen. I'm talking about taking everything out the cupboards and all that and also I reorganized the shoes on the shelf in my closet! I can't wait to wear some of them soon!!! :)

Postat av: azra
I love you <3