Oh man...I can't believe its 2.30PM already. Mondays always go by really fast!
Off to eat some birthday cake now... :D

Miss You!
Morning loves
Hope you all were able to get up this morning after a great weekend!
I did! I woke up feeling refreshed. A feeling that is much better than the ones I usually have on a Monday morning!
This weekend was much needed. Back at work now and time is flying by! Feels like I just got here and it's already 10AM.
Wishing you a great day today!
Great weekend, Good Night
Yes, I've had the best weekend with me, myself and I. This was really something I needed! Loved every minute of it.
Earlier this evening I talked to my sissy, who's still in the US. She's onboard with us going away on a weekend trip this spring to a city in Europe. Maybe Barcelona!? It's gonna be her birthday present from me and whoever else wants in on it, even tho she said she'd like us all to go away and then just take her out to dinner once we are there. That's a great idea too! So, whoever (of our friends) wants to go, start saving and let's sit down in the next few weeks and decided when and where to go!
This is an open invitation to all of you.
I'm about to watch another episode of Revenge and then I'm off to bed.
Good Night
Good girl
Ended up not going for a was a bit cold! LOL
Instead I started watching two new TV-shows, The Secret Circle and Revenge. Liked Revenge so I'm gonna watch some more episodes tonight.
Also, I talked to my auntie and lil sister Azra. Made plans for the next two weekends! Should be fun! She texted me earlier today, first saying a song made her think of me last night when she was out at a club and then said she wished I had been there. Awww, my lil baby! Blood could not make her mean more to me than she does!
And since I didn't go out I cleaned my whole kitchen. I'm talking about taking everything out the cupboards and all that and also I reorganized the shoes on the shelf in my closet! I can't wait to wear some of them soon!!! :)
Switched at birth
Good morning. Waking up now because i went to bed at 3AM.
Yesterday I came across a new TV show that sounded interesting! It's called Switched At Birth, and it really was! I ended up watching all 12 episodes that have aired so far. Definitely something I'm gonna continue watching!
Now I'm gonna figure out what to eat for breakfast and then I'm gonna go for a walk! :)
Hope Sunday is an awesome day for you all!!!
It's now almost 4pm and I'm just about to sit down and eat lunch, I just got home not to long ago! I took a long walk, just me and my iPod. Such a nice time and the weather was great. This evening I'm just gonna take it easy and watch a movie or two. I really feel like being along and I needed this time for myself because the coming few months are gonna be crazy, I don't have one weekend off until the third weekend of March. There are concerts, housewarming parties, birthday parties, night outs, weekend with my girls planned and I'm so looking forward to it. I can't wait for spring to come, my favourite time of year. So many great things are happening around me and...
Hope you all are to!
Yeah, there is a storm outside! Glad I stayed home this weekend so I can rest! I need it even after being on vacation! :)
I read something online that made me really upset but since I know that if I write it on my blog it's gonna be made into such a huge deal and I really don't want that.
I just find it very annoying that people keep putting others down to build themselves up! That's sad!
Like come on now, obviously you are the one that has issues! Who are you trying to fool with your comments about other people!
I find that really lame!
Bout to watch a movie or something before bed.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday night, I know I am!
Hell NO
I really don't understand how people who don't put me first want me to put them first, like come on now, I'm not stupid.
I will only go out of my way a few times to do so but when I see that you're just using me for whatever reason I won't play like that.
You don't come to visit but you get upset when I don't invite you to come kick it when I'm in town in town.
Who the fuck do you think you are???
You ain't that important to me!
My real friends call me, text me and come to visit. You don't do neither of those three so I really don't understand how you expect for me to want to kick it with you. To me that's more like time wasted, time I can spend with people who actually do wanna spend time with me and don't only do so when they don't have anyhting better to do!
I'm only playing by the same rules that you are! Why would I take away time from my family and friends to be with you. I don't get the way some people think. I guess I'll see you when I don't have anything better to do!!!
3 pics
Friday the 13th
I'm not really a person that believes in that whole thing of friday the 13th being bad luck. Like, I won't stay home because I'm afraid something might happen but I know that if God forbid something did happen I would blame it on friday the 13th.
That's funny, but true!
Anyway, last night I talked to Ivy about this coming year and our plans for it. She's movig to Australia at the end of this year, for good she says and it makes me sad. She just came back less than a year ago. She had been there for over two years.
And, as much as I hate the fact that she's gonna be moving again, I can't hold her back nor would I ever try. I know she's happy there and that's exactly what I want her to be!!! :)
She's trying to get me to come to Melbourne for NYE instead of going to Dubai! We'll see!!! LOL
First things first, a weekend trip to a city in Europe and then summer vacation in the US!!!
Plans for 2012...
So, the next two months are booked for me, like every single weekend...and, I'm so looking forward to it. Should be a great time and before I know it, it's gonna be summer and I'm gonna be going to the country I love the most. The US of A...America...!!! Can not wait. My sister is there right now and I'm so freaking jelly!!! I wish I could have gone but I really couldn't. But before than we're planning on taking a weekend trip somewhere in Europe, just to get away. And for NYE 2012 I really wanna go to Dubai, but we'll see about that!!! If there is someone that wants to go with me, let me know...let's start planning. And for my sissy's 30th bday in Feb 2013 she wants us all to go away somewhere, Rio or Thailand so I got plan for that as well. Basically...the way my year is look like this, save for a trip and when I get back from that one start saving for the next one! That's about it. Can't wait!!!
I'm off to ZzZzZz land now to dream about my trips...
Sleep tight loves!
Take me back to Summer 2011
Don't worry...
I'm not sad, depressed or anything like that. But, it's only been less than 6 months since I moved here. I don't know that many people and I don't have the same relationships here as I have back home. There is no history here and that's something I do miss, I'm not even gonna lie and pretend I don't.
Luckily I get to se my faves every other week if not more!!! :)
And...I'm back!!!
First, I really gotta say thanks to everyone that kept checking back even though I wasn't updating...mad cool!
Second..Happy New Year to you all. Hope it's a great one!!!
So, let me fill you in on what't been going on in my life these last few day!
Wait, Hold UP! I gotta get something off my chest! To the person that wrote that really stupid and funny, yes funny, comment I just have one thing to say. Karma is a bitch, WATCH OUT!!!
Moving on...
We got to Bosnia friday night! Pretty late and a lot later than we expected but those pigs on the border crossing kept us waiting for hours.
That weekend we just hung put with family and had a great time. My cosuin Aldi was in town so me and her hung out and went out.
But one thing that we both love and are great at is shopping. So one day was all about that since she was only staying for a few days.
Loved every minute of it. She's just like me...if she sees something she likes, she gets it! Made us think, maybe it's a good thing we live in two different countries or we would be broke at all time.
The day before NYE something sad happened (I won't share that here) but we all, and I really mean all were very upset. Thank GOD, everything turned out good in the end but our NYE was spent at home, chilling, wishing the people we were missing were there.
Thanks to my auntie and myself the rest of the people there got a few good laughs out of us. ;)
After NYE it was time to gear up for my birthday. I had a party on the 4th of January since I was gonna be back in Sweden on my actual birthday.
3 cakes and a few bottles of alcohol later I went to bed feeling very loved. :D Thanks to everyone there for making me feel so special.
We were supposed to leave Prijedor early friday morning but we ended up leaving thursday evening at about 8. My dad and I were more than ready to go so we were pacing around the house waitng for the dishwasher to finish. LOL
Mom was a bit upset with us, she didn't really understand what the big rush was.
Really, there wasn't a rush but I think both of us just felt like the waiting was annoying.
We arrived back friday evening at like 6.30 and I went to bed sometimes after 10pm. I had so much stuff to do and catch up on. Even though I had access to the internet at all times I just didn't feel like doing any work at all.
Satuday at 2pm I met my girls at Gusto (where else)!
We had a wonderful time and it was so great to see them. Miss those chicas!!! And, love them even more!
Thanks for making my birthday so special, being able to spend it with YOU means a lot to me!
Saturday evening, it was time for a small get together. Aunties and uncles were in the house, oh yeah and AzraZ as well. She's everywhere. You can't get rid of her! :p
Enjoyed the time with them all, knowing Sunday I had to leave and come back to reality.
Sunday was another day spent at Gusto, this time with Ivy who had the work the previous day and couldn't join us. As usual we had a blast. After I dropped her off at home, I went back to my parents house got all my stuff and drove those 182 kilometers that separates me from the people I love the most.
Since being back my days have consited of work from 8 to 4.30 and then unpacking, sorting out all my stuff and chilling. Tonight I have to clean my kitchen and vaccum clean so I can enjoy my weekend by doing nothing, at all!
I'm just gonna lounge around in my sweats, drink tea and watch TV.
Can't wait!!!
The neglect is gonna stop any day now...and there will be sea of updates coming to make up for the last few weeks!!!!
Just wanted to send you all a quick hello from the beautiful city of Prijedor, Bosnia!!! Hope you all are having a great Christmas break!!!!
On our way
Went for a walk...
Good morning
Hope you all slept well, I know I did!!! It could have been a longer time though but that's alright!
I had the strangest dream, ever! I dreamt my uncle and my dad were arguing what the real chicken and rice was! Lol...they had different ideas on how to take it and their own idea was the real dish! Oh lord...
I'm at the office now, all alone! I'm sure someone will show up soon!
I'm gonna start my dad with a cup of coffee and by checking my mail!
I'm ready
Yes, finally done, with everything. Packing, cleaning and the shower!!! Just checking my mail and stuff now...
Even though I'm really tired I don't wanna go to bed just yet, it's only 9.40PM.
I think I'm gonna watch a movie and just relax with a cup of tea.
Talked to my mom and dad earlier and they are ready too. Skyped with sissy and Aidan earlier, well I skyped with her and Aidan was messing around and hiding behing her! He's so damn cute...Love that lil kid.
Off I to you later!!!