Hej hå

Kom hem strax efter 17 idag och har spenderat hella kvällen i soffan med att lära en users guide på 289 sidor om MapGuide Enterprise! Tro det eller ej men jag tycker faktiskt det är kul, imorgon ska jag testa lite av det jag läste idag. :)
Annars så tror jag att jag håller på o bli sjuk men jag vägrar...det ska inte få hända så jag proppar i mig Alvedon i förebyggande syfte.
Nu är det bara tre dagar kvar innan mina fina tjejer kommer hit. Vi ska mysa hemma hos mig fredag-söndag och jag längtar jättemycket!!! Ska bli så skönt att ha några av dem jag älskar mest här...!!!
På tal om ingenting så tror jag att jag har hälsoångest även kallat hypokondri...!!!
Har haft lite problem med en viss sak och jag går omkring och tror att jag har en massa olika sjukdomar.
För tillfället så tror jag det har någon med mina njurar att göra! Helt dum i huvudet är jag men jag kan inte hjälpa det.Jag sitter och googlar olika symtom och när jag väl bestämmer mig att uppsöka läkare så går det över.
Men nu är det 100% säkert, går det inte över till på måndag då jävlar ska jag ta mig till sjukhuset för en undersökning, eller rättare sagt alla jag får göra...
Urin, blodprov...jaa, allt.
Nu ska jag läsa lite till innan jag går och lägger mig.
God Natt

Mår skit

Jag fattar inte hur jag varje gång jag ska få besök lyckas bli sjuk! Seriöst asså, vad är det som pågår! :/
Har världens huvudvärk och känner mig lite febrig! Vill gärna tro att det handlar om ägglossning men jag tror tyvärr inte det är det!
Värst av all är att jag inte har några huvudvärks tabletter och dem vi har på kontoret är brus tabletter och smakar bläää!
Ska iallafall säga till att få ner en!!!

Detta suger!!!

Jobbade till nästan 17.30 idag...men det är kul!!!
Det som inte är kul att jag tvättar i en tvättstuga som suger...!!! Två dåliga maskner med ett litet jävla torkrum som inte alls är bra och med världens kortaste tider!!! Från 17.30- 21.00...Tycker faan inte det räcker för att man ska hinna tvätta och torka allt...!!!
Eller det kanske hade gjorde det om man fick en tvättid lite oftare...nu får man det var tredje vecka typ och då blir det en hel del tvätt!!!
Fuuuuuj säger jag bara!!!


Mitt i allt fixade och trixande här hemma fick jag för mig att dra till Vås och handla/shoppa...Har inte varit på stan där borta sedan jag flyttade hit så jag tyckte det var dags...Egentligen ville jag bara komma ut eftersom jag har haft en massa (förmodligen onödiga) tankar i huvudet...
Här i stan är det juh inte öppet så valet var mellan Örebro eller Vås och Vås vann.
Förutom varorna från City Gross så fick jag även med mig dessa plagg...
Eftersom jag äger över 50 par jeans passade jag på att köpa lite andra typer av byxor
Jag älskar svart men försöker lägga till lite färg i garderoben...
Älskade denna klänning och färgen är jättefin dock gillar jag inte längde så det ska jag ändra
Ville egentligen ha ett par leopardmönstrade men det fanns inte så dessa fick duga!

Alla är inte rasister...!!!

Det hände världens grej när jag var iväg och handlade tidigare idag! En kvinna som bär slöja frågar killen som jobbar i butiken en sak ang en vara, han nickar vänligt samtidigt som han går iväg med en vagn full av varor.
Tydligen så missar den yngre kvinnan som är med detta och ger sig på den här stackars killen och kallar honom en massa fula namn, och även rasist.
Man ba WTF


Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring...

So true...

Hittade denna på en annan blogg och var bara tvungen att lägga upp den...


My themesong at the moment

Dagens fynd...

Allt detta plus ett par jeans, ett skärp och lite från IKEA...

And now?

Oh...nu ska ni få en uppdatering innan jag sätter igång ett projekt som jag tänker visa er innan helgen är slut. :) Orkade inte blogga igår...många tankar snurrade i huvudet...om det händer skulle det vara dåligt men egentligen inte...fattar inte själv hur jag tänker fast så tycker jag nog...det skulle vara både negativt och positivt men det är inte så att något vinner över det andra utan det är liksom like på + och - sidan... Sen så överanalyserar jag säker...!!! Esch...ska försöka att inte tänka på detta mer...!!! ANYWAY...igår så öppnade det en ny restaurang i stan...och där serverar dem sushi...!!! Snacka om glädje när jag och Åsa gick dit på lunch rasten och beställde 10 bitar var!!! Yummie!!! Där kommer det definitivt bli fler besök. Har en känsla av att det kommer bli en ny favorit...efter 6 månader av Piazza och deras sallader är det nog dags!!! Idag har jag och Åsa varit iväg och shoppat i Västerås! Jätte kul som vanligt att shoppa och som vanligt när jag inte behöver något så fyndar jag och det gjorde jag även idag. Ett par fina och billiga grejer blev det, visar någon annan gång...innan dess måste jag visa er allt från USA...!!! Nehe, nu ska jag sätta igång med projektet så hörs vi sen!!!

A joooj

Jag blir lika förbannad varje morgon då jag inser att jag inte får ha på mig parfym pga allergi på kontoret! Men jag kanske ändå ska vara lite, lite tacksam eftersom det sparar mig pengar!!! Hihi
Längtar till nästa helg då jag får använda min nya Burberry parfym som kusiner skickade med syrran från USA!!!

Bags bags and more bags

Min första kärlek är nog väskor. Vissa tjejer älskar skor och det gör även jag men jag älskar nog väskor lite mer.
Även om jag har en massa skor så är jag väldigt bekväm av mig och vet jag att ett par skor kommer förstöra min kväll vägrar jag ha på mig dem. En väska kan dock inte förstöra utan bara förbättra...
Alla dessa väskor har jag antingen köpt när jag var utomlands eller fått när jag fyllde år!
Mina vänner känner mig väl.
Från Nerdina och Bebis
Från Ada
Från syrran (köpt i USA)
Denna är nog min favorit
Denna fick jag av min pappas tonårsvänner
Imorgon ska jag visa er allt annat fint jag har fått från USA
God Natt


Snacka om att någon/några var nyfiken på vad jag gjorde i helgen...!!!


Såg en supersnygg väska men klickade inte hem den! STOLT...och det borde ni också vara!!! :)
Fick nämligen flera snygga väskor i födelsedagspresenter + att jag köpte ett par stycken nu när jag var utomlands också!
Ska nog visa er alla ikväll, för dem är verkligen super fina! :)
Kanske ska passa på att vissa annat jag har köpt också!!! Mycket blev det... :)
Blir nog lite shopping i helgen också!!! Fast bara lite och sådant som jag verkligen behöver! Inga väskor alltså!

Snart är det lunch...funderar på om jag ska äta det jag har med mig eller springa ner och köpa en sallad...

Det snöar

Självklart att det ska börja snöa när jag nästan bestämt mig för att gå ner med vinterkläderna till källaren!!! Fuuuj


God morgon!

Nu har jag precis kommit till jobbet! Ha en bra dag alla fina som läser detta!!! :)


Idag har det varit fullt upp på jobbet och för tredje dagen denna vecka kom jag hem vid halv sex! Jag klagar inte, det är kul på jobbet, det jag håller på med! :)
Imorgon blir det ännu en sen dag då jag ska försöka jobba in lite flex timmar!
Nu på kvällen har jag försökt sortera i min garderob! Funderar stark på att gå ner med vinterkläderna till källaren för det verkar inte bli någon vinter! Eller jag hoppas på det i alla fall!!!
Ska fortsätta med att ställa oordning skorna i garderoben! Flyttar om dem då och då för att få mer plats! Går inte så bra men man kan juh alltid hoppas!

Tre små jävlar

Jag har tre väldigt små finnar i ansiktet som stör mig jättemycket...
Och det värsta är att jag för tillfället håller på med en kur som innebär att jag måste smörja in ansiktet varannan timme och inte kan ha foundation/puder pga min torra hud.
Folk omkring märker dem säker inte men för mig är dem som berg då jag inte är van! Har alltid haft ett väldigt rent och finnfritt ansikte att små finnar som kommer då och då stör mig sjukt mycket!

Back to Swedish

Japp, börjar blogga på svenska igen! :)

Drömde mardrömmar hela natten i stort sett! Konstiga mardrömmar som gjorde att jag vaknade hela tiden och nu är jag super trött men det är dags för frukost fika så nu ska jag iväg och dricka kaffe!!!



I destroyed everything...I suck at this...!!! I'm gonna try and fix it tomorrow tho!!!
Good Night


Trying to change the layout on my blog but it's not working...

I'm done

I just finished planning the economy for 2012.
It feels like I've been doing it forever.
It is now past 5PM and I'm just about to leave the office!


Hello today

I just got to the office! I was in V-ås earlier today! And then went home to get some lunch! Today is gonna be a really short day but I have so much to do it's crazy! Off I go!!!


I got home around 5.30 today...it was a busy day at work. I had so many plans for the afternoon, I had a lot to take care off but ended up spending the whole afternoon in bed with a stomach ache watching TV shows. I don't feel so productive but at least I feel better.
I'm getting ready for bed now...
Tomorrow I'm off to V-ås first and then back here and work at the office in the afternoon!!! Guess I'll have to do everything I was supposed to do today, tomorrow...!!!
Good Night


I read something last week that made me think.
Who is the first person (first few people) you think about when you wanna create new memories?

(Oh I wrote a really long post about this but decided not to publish it. I think this is something I need to deal with in private, when the time is right.)

My weekend

I took off straight from work. Got to my parents house around 6.30, Basically just took my bag upstairs and said Hi before I left. Oh, talked to my sister, aunt and uncle for a few minutes over Skype too. Then I drove over to my cousins house and hung out with him and his fiancee for a few hours. Got home to my parents around 10. They were talking to a cousin in Italy so at first I did so too and then me and mom went to the bedroom to get my bed ready and ended up talking forever. I totally forgott about the time and ended up missing out on a date with Azra.
Had a missed call and text message from her but by the time I saw it, it was already 11.30 and she had already gone home. I couldn't bother going out at that time.
Went to bed after midnight.
Woke up at 9 the next morning and just hung out with mom and dad before it was time to head to the airport. I drove all the way and we got there just as my sister landed. I had just parked when she sent me a text.
We got her and then headed straight back. In the car we heard a lot of what has been going on. Funniest part was about Aidan and how he was gonna build a room out of mexiglass (plexiglass) so Ninna couldn't leave. Cutie pie!
We got home and she started going through her bags. I got a bunch of great gifts. A skirt, VS lipgloss, Burberry perfume, Burberry scarf a bag and much more.
Soon after the Zubanovic/Duratovic family joined us for some fun hang out time. Azra and I were going to watch a soccer tournament later than evening but first we had dinner. Thanks mom! :)
We got to the venue at about 9pm I think and it was FULL. We stood on the stairs watching a few games and then decided to go get something to eat at McD. As we were leaving we ran into a bunch of people we know outside. Talked to them for a while and it was freezing. After McD we went back to watch the finals and this time we even go to sit down. :)
I think it was 12.30 when I dropped Azra off and went to my parents house. Woke up and 9.30 the next day and realised I had forgotten my snood scarf. I decided to go by and see if anyone was there and maybe they found it. There were people there but noone who had been there the night before, but I got the number to a guy. I'm gonna call him tomorrow and see if he has it.
I didn't want for it to be such a big deal, I just went there to see but oh well, maybe I'll get it back and I do love it.
After that I stopped by my apartment building to leave a bill for the guy that lives there and then I went to my sisters house. All the girl were coming over. Azra had to leave early but the rest of us hung out and had a great time for a few hours.
After that Ninna and I went to eat lunch at mom and dad's house and then I left to go back home. The drive went by so fast and I was home early it felt like, I think it was 5.30, maybe even earlier.
Just chilled for the rest of the night watching The Secret Circle. Got to work around 8. Just had lunch and now I'm getting back to work.


Azra posted the link to this blog on her FB:


I looked throught the pictures and felt so much pride within me. I've never been afraid to say I'm from Bosnia, I've never hid the fact that I'm muslim and I've never let anyone talk bad about MY country.
Yes, I live in Sweden and I'm very thankful to be doing that. But, I don't let that take away from my past. I would never say I'm swedish because I'm not and that would mean I'm not only lying to people around me but to myself as well.
Sure, I can admit, Bosnia is not a perfect contry, but neither is Sweden so I can't stand people dissing Bosnia and only talking good about Sweden. That infuriates me more than anything else.
I've chosen to see the good in both and that makes my life so much easier.
Also, lets not forget!!! There was a war raging in Bosnia not to long ago. ALL of US were the victims of something that most of us don't even know what it really was. Some may call me stupid but I honestly don't know more than one race killing the other, basically.
And even that is harh to say but that's what it was. Let's not make it something else and say it was this or that. Bottom line is, it was racial cleansing.
Who the fuck nows?
What did people think they were going to gain? And, most importantly, did they really think it was gonna work???
It makes me so sad that we, our generarion, is now suffering from the consequence of their actions.

BUT, not everyone is the same.
We need to stop judging each other. We need to get to know the person to say he or she is not a good person.
Trust me, I walk around my hometown in Bosnia thinking who might have done what. Our past and history is gonna haunt us forever! But, it's only gonna influence our choices if we let it.
I don't wanna be that person. I see the good in all of us, at least I want to.
Sometimes I do wonder how a ethnicity went from good to bad overnight.
But claim they didn't do it. 
We don't need an apology, it can't make the ones we lost come back. But at least acknowledge the fact that it did happen. Recognize the pain that this caused a lot of us.
I'm not trying to make ecxuses for anyone or take away pain, hurt and suffering but some of us are hurting more than others by the events of the early 90s.
What I'm really trying to say is that this has turned our generation into some strange bunch of people.
The older people want everything back to how it used to be, while WE, the younger generation, well, we either take a step back from everything that has anything to do with religion or we go all in. Sometimes even too much.
I respect everyone's choices. I made a choice myself that some might not understand BUT I'm not trying to force my choice on anyone! Therefore, I need people to stop forcing their on me.
If I don't wanna drink, I won't but then again if I do, I'm gonna do that.
These days the same religion is not the same religion. I have people telling me they don't celebrate New Years becuase it's not the muslim New Year. Well, that's fine! But do you actually celebrate the Muslim New Year then? My dad has been celebrating THIS new years since before me and he grew up in a muslim home. And he drinks. What does that mean? That is the true Bosnian muslim. It's been done this way since before me so who am I to try and change anything about him.
Also, when I say I don't drink people automatically think it's because I'm musilm.
No, that's not the reason at all. I JUST DO SEE THE POINT.
And before someone gets at me and tells me I do drink, yes I do. When I feel like it, but usually 4/5 times I don't.
I went three years, during high school, when everyone else was drinking without one sipp of alcohol. Why?
Because I felt like it.
And I've decided to not drink this whole year either. We're gonna start with a year and then we'll see how it goes. :D

All I want is for us all to be happy. I'm happy with the choices I've made in life, it has allowed me to feel free and proud.
I'm happy because I have the most amazing people around me and the best friends anyonce could ask for.
It took me a while to realize that no one is perfect and we all have flaws and they make us who we are.
Accept me for who and what I am and I'll do the same with you.


Up up up

Yes, I up and almost ready to head to work! I need to leave earlier than I usually do and I don't wanna lose minutes...
Well, it just so happened I woke up. If I hadn't I wouldn't have gone in early but now that I'm up I'm gonna do so! :)


Time for bed

Yes, I'm already in bed! Falling asleep as I'm typing this. Had a really busy day at work today and then went out to dinner and a show with co workers! Ended up staying only a short while and then had to go home to pack and clean up my place.
In between all that I watched a new episode of Revenge! Such a great show! I love it.
Just finished with everything I was gonna take a shower but I can't bother I'm too tired so I'm gonna have to do that in the morning before I go work.

Good night!


Just wanted to drop in and say Hi.
I've been really busy the last 48hrs! Work and and personal stuff. Today is another busy day but tonight I get to relax by going to dinner with a few friends from work. We're also gonna se a show. Should be fun!
This weekend got a lot more exciting now. First my sister is coming home, there is a lot going on in town and last but not least the Baby (and his mom and dad of course) is coming too!!!
Can not wait to play with him. My precious lil angel! Saw him last night on Skype and he was super cute crawling around. He's got a lil hair too now. Aww I miss him like crazy!!!

Ok, talk to ya later!


Another day

Off to work soon! I woke up a lil late today! Felt like sleeping in!
So, my friends seem to appreciate me baking.
Well, next time you guys come over I'm gonna make you the bread for breakfast! :)

So, now I need to buy myself some new things for the kitchen...Since I'm spending a lot of time in there!


I've been standing in the kitchen ever since I got home from work almost 3 hours ago. I'm in such a stange mood. I feel like cooking and baking. I made dinner and lunch for tomorrow and then also I made bread.
I made small bun after a recipe Åsa emailed me. I was gonna make it yesterday so I went to the grocery store to pick up some things including yeast for baking. But, when I got home I realized I hade forgotten to actually put it in my bag. So I came home without it.
I was pissed and didn't wanna go back to the store. Totally forgott about the lil store I have just down the street.
So I had to go again today. Turns out the guy remebers me and he gave me 3 for free since I had already payed yesterday! So sweet of him! :)
I'm finally done with everything. The cooking and the cleaning!
Now I'm about to jump in the shower and enjoy a few episodes of Revenge before bed.

Shoes of the day

Early morning

Got woken up by a friend before 7AM...and my alarm is set for 7.20!
Usually I would be mad, but I'm not because I was dreaming about something scary so it was nice to wake up from it. But the crazy thing is, I can still 'feel' the dream. I dreamt I was in pain and now I still am. Over 20 minutes later! CRAZY
Anyway, off to get ready for work. Ttyl

Off to bed soon!

So, I came home from work at lke 5.20PM. I think I'm gonna do this more ofter, work longer at the beginning of the week and then leave early at the end, like Thursday and Friday.
And even tho I left work about an hour later than usal, the day passed really really fast.
Came home and cleaned the living room, hardcore, moving the sofa and all. I'm son a cleaning spree and loving it. Life feels so much better when everything around me is clean. My heart, soul and home. LOVE IT.
After that I made lunch for tomorrow. Rice and chicken with veggies.
About to watch another episode of Revenge and then I'm off to bed.
Good Night loves!


Oh man...I can't believe its 2.30PM already. Mondays always go by really fast!
Off to eat some birthday cake now... :D

Miss You!

Morning loves

Hope you all were able to get up this morning after a great weekend!
I did! I woke up feeling refreshed. A feeling that is much better than the ones I usually have on a Monday morning!
This weekend was much needed. Back at work now and time is flying by! Feels like I just got here and it's already 10AM.

Wishing you a great day today!


Great weekend, Good Night

Yes, I've had the best weekend with me, myself and I. This was really something I needed! Loved every minute of it.
Earlier this evening I talked to my sissy, who's still in the US. She's onboard with us going away on a weekend trip this spring to a city in Europe. Maybe Barcelona!? It's gonna be her birthday present from me and whoever else wants in on it, even tho she said she'd like us all to go away and then just take her out to dinner once we are there. That's a great idea too! So, whoever (of our friends) wants to go, start saving and let's sit down in the next few weeks and decided when and where to go!
This is an open invitation to all of you.
I'm about to watch another episode of Revenge and then I'm off to bed.
Good Night

Good girl

Ended up not going for a walk...it was a bit cold! LOL
Instead I started watching two new TV-shows, The Secret Circle and Revenge. Liked Revenge so I'm gonna watch some more episodes tonight.
Also, I talked to my auntie and lil sister Azra. Made plans for the next two weekends! Should be fun! She texted me earlier today, first saying a song made her think of me last night when she was out at a club and then said she wished I had been there. Awww, my lil baby! Blood could not make her mean more to me than she does!
image description
And since I didn't go out I cleaned my whole kitchen. I'm talking about taking everything out the cupboards and all that and also I reorganized the shoes on the shelf in my closet! I can't wait to wear some of them soon!!! :)

Switched at birth

Good morning. Waking up now because i went to bed at 3AM.
Yesterday I came across a new TV show that sounded interesting! It's called Switched At Birth, and it really was! I ended up watching all 12 episodes that have aired so far. Definitely something I'm gonna continue watching!
Now I'm gonna figure out what to eat for breakfast and then I'm gonna go for a walk! :)

Hope Sunday is an awesome day for you all!!!


It's now almost 4pm and I'm just about to sit down and eat lunch, I just got home not to long ago! I took a long walk, just me and my iPod. Such a nice time and the weather was great. This evening I'm just gonna take it easy and watch a movie or two. I really feel like being along and I needed this time for myself because the coming few months are gonna be crazy, I don't have one weekend off until the third weekend of March. There are concerts, housewarming parties, birthday parties, night outs, weekend with my girls planned and I'm so looking forward to it. I can't wait for spring to come, my favourite time of year. So many great things are happening around me and...
Hope you all are to!


Yeah, there is a storm outside! Glad I stayed home this weekend so I can rest! I need it even after being on vacation! :)

I read something online that made me really upset but since I know that if I write it on my blog it's gonna be made into such a huge deal and I really don't want that.

I just find it very annoying that people keep putting others down to build themselves up! That's sad!
Like come on now, obviously you are the one that has issues! Who are you trying to fool with your comments about other people!
I find that really lame!

Bout to watch a movie or something before bed.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Friday night, I know I am!


Hell NO

I really don't understand how people who don't put me first want me to put them first, like come on now, I'm not stupid.
I will only go out of my way a few times to do so but when I see that you're just using me for whatever reason I won't play like that.
You don't come to visit but you get upset when I don't invite you to come kick it when I'm in town in town.
Who the fuck do you think you are???
You ain't that important to me!
My real friends call me, text me and come to visit. You don't do neither of those three so I really don't understand how you expect for me to want to kick it with you. To me that's more like time wasted, time I can spend with people who actually do wanna spend time with me and don't only do so when they don't have anyhting better to do!
I'm only playing by the same rules that you are! Why would I take away time from my family and friends to be with you. I don't get the way some people think. I guess I'll see you when I don't have anything better to do!!!



3 pics

My cousin and I on a night out in Kozarac

A lot of tears were shed leaving the puppies

Came back to Sweden and this was the b-day gift God gave me!

Friday the 13th

I'm not really a person that believes in that whole thing of friday the 13th being bad luck. Like, I won't stay home because I'm afraid something might happen but I know that if God forbid something did happen I would blame it on friday the 13th. That's funny, but true! Anyway, last night I talked to Ivy about this coming year and our plans for it. She's movig to Australia at the end of this year, for good she says and it makes me sad. She just came back less than a year ago. She had been there for over two years. And, as much as I hate the fact that she's gonna be moving again, I can't hold her back nor would I ever try. I know she's happy there and that's exactly what I want her to be!!! :) She's trying to get me to come to Melbourne for NYE instead of going to Dubai! We'll see!!! LOL First things first, a weekend trip to a city in Europe and then summer vacation in the US!!! XO

Plans for 2012...

So, the next two months are booked for me, like every single weekend...and, I'm so looking forward to it. Should be a great time and before I know it, it's gonna be summer and I'm gonna be going to the country I love the most. The US of A...America...!!! Can not wait. My sister is there right now and I'm so freaking jelly!!! I wish I could have gone but I really couldn't. But before than we're planning on taking a weekend trip somewhere in Europe, just to get away. And for NYE 2012 I really wanna go to Dubai, but we'll see about that!!! If there is someone that wants to go with me, let me know...let's start planning. And for my sissy's 30th bday in Feb 2013 she wants us all to go away somewhere, Rio or Thailand so I got plan for that as well. Basically...the way my year is look like this, save for a trip and when I get back from that one start saving for the next one! That's about it. Can't wait!!! I'm off to ZzZzZz land now to dream about my trips... Sleep tight loves! XO

Take me back to Summer 2011

You guys have no idea how bad I want Summer 2011 back!!! It was a great summer...LOVED every minute of it!!! :) These songs bring back great memories!!!

Don't worry...

I'm not sad, depressed or anything like that. But, it's only been less than 6 months since I moved here. I don't know that many people and I don't have the same relationships here as I have back home. There is no history here and that's something I do miss, I'm not even gonna lie and pretend I don't. Luckily I get to se my faves every other week if not more!!! :)

And...I'm back!!!

First, I really gotta say thanks to everyone that kept checking back even though I wasn't updating...mad cool! Second..Happy New Year to you all. Hope it's a great one!!! So, let me fill you in on what't been going on in my life these last few day! Wait, Hold UP! I gotta get something off my chest! To the person that wrote that really stupid and funny, yes funny, comment I just have one thing to say. Karma is a bitch, WATCH OUT!!! Moving on... We got to Bosnia friday night! Pretty late and a lot later than we expected but those pigs on the border crossing kept us waiting for hours. That weekend we just hung put with family and had a great time. My cosuin Aldi was in town so me and her hung out and went out. But one thing that we both love and are great at is shopping. So one day was all about that since she was only staying for a few days. Loved every minute of it. She's just like me...if she sees something she likes, she gets it! Made us think, maybe it's a good thing we live in two different countries or we would be broke at all time. The day before NYE something sad happened (I won't share that here) but we all, and I really mean all were very upset. Thank GOD, everything turned out good in the end but our NYE was spent at home, chilling, wishing the people we were missing were there. Thanks to my auntie and myself the rest of the people there got a few good laughs out of us. ;) After NYE it was time to gear up for my birthday. I had a party on the 4th of January since I was gonna be back in Sweden on my actual birthday. 3 cakes and a few bottles of alcohol later I went to bed feeling very loved. :D Thanks to everyone there for making me feel so special. We were supposed to leave Prijedor early friday morning but we ended up leaving thursday evening at about 8. My dad and I were more than ready to go so we were pacing around the house waitng for the dishwasher to finish. LOL Mom was a bit upset with us, she didn't really understand what the big rush was. Really, there wasn't a rush but I think both of us just felt like the waiting was annoying. We arrived back friday evening at like 6.30 and I went to bed sometimes after 10pm. I had so much stuff to do and catch up on. Even though I had access to the internet at all times I just didn't feel like doing any work at all. Satuday at 2pm I met my girls at Gusto (where else)! We had a wonderful time and it was so great to see them. Miss those chicas!!! And, love them even more! Thanks for making my birthday so special, being able to spend it with YOU means a lot to me! Saturday evening, it was time for a small get together. Aunties and uncles were in the house, oh yeah and AzraZ as well. She's everywhere. You can't get rid of her! :p Enjoyed the time with them all, knowing Sunday I had to leave and come back to reality. Sunday was another day spent at Gusto, this time with Ivy who had the work the previous day and couldn't join us. As usual we had a blast. After I dropped her off at home, I went back to my parents house got all my stuff and drove those 182 kilometers that separates me from the people I love the most. Since being back my days have consited of work from 8 to 4.30 and then unpacking, sorting out all my stuff and chilling. Tonight I have to clean my kitchen and vaccum clean so I can enjoy my weekend by doing nothing, at all! I'm just gonna lounge around in my sweats, drink tea and watch TV. Can't wait!!!


The neglect is gonna stop any day now...and there will be sea of updates coming to make up for the last few weeks!!!!


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